
Interviews By Grand Historian: VWB C. William Cole

Here you will find various interviews conducted by VWB C. William Cole.

The full nine videos as shown at the 157th Annual Communication display

Interviews of the Past Grand Masters from 1997 to 2022

The Individual Interviews of the Past Grand Masters from 1997 to 2022

MWB Osborn Nason GM 1997 – 1998

MWB Gordon Rattray GM 2003 – 2004

MWB Miles Graham GM 2009 – 2010

MWB Peter Whittaker GM 2011 – 2012

MWB Steve Allen GM 2013 – 2014

MWB Clyde Townes GM 2015 – 2016

MWB John Watson GM 2017 – 2018

MWB Randall Nelson GM 2019 – 2020

MWB Tom Borthwick GM 2021 – 2022

RWB John JJ Leadbetter - J.J. the Happy Wanderer (clown)


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